A bit
about me

I'm a front-end developer, pursuing my Full Stack Engineering certification, and planning to complete it by the end of this year. I love working alongside other teammates to achieve beautiful and functional designs.

I love computers since I was a child when I taught myself to build websites just for fun, using Macromedia Dreamweaver 2.0. When I get stuck with something I don't know how to do, I can find out how to do it and get it done.

I'm also a graduated Civil Engineer, a structural analyst, and a focused avid learner of professional web and mobile development technologies.

I'd love to help you with your project and be part of your team.
Feel free to contact me on WhatsApp or by email.

Skills = [











Fullstack Engineer


In progress

Front-end Web development



Civil Engineer

Santiago Marino Politechnical Institute


When I'm not in front of a computer...

I love running,


and just taking photos.

Let's jump on a quick call

Ask me any questions or drop me a hello. I'd love to be help.

Let's chat

or send me an email